Work by Ton Pret in the Paris Louvre museum

Ton Pret was asked in 2011 to be part of the Dutch delegation that represents the Netherlands for the first time at the exhibition in the famous Louvre museum in Paris. The exhibition was a great success for Ton Pret in several respects, not only was his work sold but he also received new commissions […]

In Italy, Ton Pret received the Premio Charlot

On July 21, Ton Pret received in Salerno, Italy the prestigious Premio Charlot 2019/Charlot Award 2019. In front of an impressive audience of 2000 people, he received the award from Claudio and GianlucaTortora, the directors of Teatro delle Arti and the Premio Charlot. Ton Pret is the first painter artist in 30 years, who received […]